Beautiful pics of Nicole Kidman feet & legs

Elegant Nicole Kidman, known as one of the most famous Australian imports was actually birthed in Honolulu Hawaii while her Australian parents were for education visas. Kidman was born in Honolulu, Hawaiian with Janelle Ann Glenny (a nursing teacher) as well as Antony David Kidman who are both clinical psychologists and biochemists. She's English Irish with Scottish roots. Nicole's parents relocated the household to Washington, D.C., soon after the birth of Nicole, to pursue breast cancer studies. Three years later, the family returned to Sydney, Australia, to raise Nicole. Nicole, as a child, was initially drawn to ballet. But she soon discovered drama and mime (her first stage performance in the school's Christmas show was one of screaming sheep). Celebrity Net Worth estimates that Nicole Cruise Cruise (Oscar winner) is worth $250 million. Her stellar Hollywood career as well as endorsement deals with brands like Omega, Chanel and Chanel, have made her a wealthy woman. English, a West Germanic dialect of Indo-European languages that were spoken by people living in the middle of medieval England is the earliest version. It is named after the Angles - one of many older Germanic groups that moved into Great Britain.

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